Saturday, August 12, 2006

YAY! :D its saturday.

its gonna be boring. i watch finish the show already. the rest of the disc haven come yet. the last disc i have stopped at the most exciting part lah all the evidence finding new leads. ass! i wanna know what happen :/

the OCTB kowloon west madam the uncle got murdered. so far they suspected 5 people. but 3 of them got alibi and some evidence dun point at them. so they are cleared. 2 left! the uncle's fengshui master and the mistress of the uncle. lalalalalala this case so nice. the uncle deserved to die man! he go frame the brother. and now HE'S DEAD! muahahahahahah.

one case just finish. the culprit damn smart leh! cause he kidnap the police then rape the girl infront of him. then when the police let himself free {cause the police is smart} then fight with the guy. when the police team found them, the police got stabbed already and he died! then the culprit still say the police want frame him say that he stab the police for self-defence and its the police that wanted to rape the girl. its like damn perfect la his story. but too bad there is always justice. forensics found plastic bags {which is the murder weapon} in his house. then still got saliva. they take the DNA then its matches with the deceased. MUAHA! he cannot deny. so, he got caught. YAY! :D

i feel like watching again. oh man! its damn nice. i cant wait for the other disc to come. and i shall go on a watching vcd spree!!

i duno wad to do. i duno wad to do. got another set of vcd's. but its stupid one lol those no meaning family thing. forensics heroes {the name of the show} is so much nicer :D of course. forensic people rock!

never mind la i go watch show. got the cake show. then got healing hands 3. hehehehe WHEE! HONGKONG SHOWS ROCK.


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